2021 Changed The Way We Create Content: My Method Now

Julia Iurean
4 min readApr 2, 2021


Effective content no longer means (only) expertise.

If you ask any content writer, they’ll probably tell you to write your content conversationally, as you’d talk to a friend.

This method started years ago, when “become the go-to expert in your niche” was still the copy that would enchant every business owner. You had to show off your expert knowledge, but in a more accessible manner — wouldn’t want to bore the audience with heavy language, right?

While friendly, conversational content is certainly a good idea, I use a different method — and it made me a much more impactful writer.

To get here, I had to go through some situations.

It started in the 3rd grade.

When I was 9 y.o., I felt an incredibly strong calling to memorize a 7-minute long poem recital.

I had been so struck by the impact of a poem I didn’t even understand at that age, that I spent hours/day listening to the voice recording of it.

Every lyric, every sound, the rhythm, the intonations — I absorbed everything.

When I was ready, I gathered my entire family, I stood upon a wide chair, and recited the poem exactly as the poet did.

I remember feeling so alive. So empowered. And my family? You can only imagine what it meant for a little kid to have the guts to stand in front of a crowd and deliver a long, hard performance. They were mesmerized by it.

Between that moment and the next one that brought the exact same reactions, almost 7 years had gone by.

Now, I’m not telling you this story to brag. Even though I am quite proud of the depth I was able to live with at a very young age.

I’m telling you this to make you understand the next part.

Then, highschool began.

At the beginning of 9th grade, the teacher that had attended my live performance 7 years back recommended me to participate in the school’s Christmas celebration.

It was going to be a night dedicated to art — music, poems, theater.

Naturally, I said yes. Even more naturally, I decided to recite the same poem I did back then. Again, the audience was mesmerized by the performance. Of course, the incredibly powerful poem gets most of the credit, but my interpretation of it sure wasn’t bad.

Being in front of a crowded room, delivering words that would make people go home contemplating upon life, became my favorite thing ever.

And that was the moment I knew I was going to do it for a long time.

Almost 6 years of public speaking came after that. Presentations, artistic performances, speeches, event hosting… you name it.

Here’s why this story is relevant.

It all leads to this method of content creation.

I don’t have many friends.

It isn’t that easy for me to talk to people because I’m an introvert, so making friends really isn’t something I succeed at. So, I had to find another way that would highlight my strong abilities.

Writing “friendly” content doesn’t sit well with me every time — I’m always looking for more depth, for more substance in a piece of content, no matter the platform it will go on, whether that’s Instagram or Medium.

There’s always a way to make it more meaningful.

That’s why I do it like this:

I imagine myself on a stage. I’m about to deliver a speech on a subject I may or may not be familiar with (as a content writer often has to). There are close to 500 people in the room.

Hell, it’s a TED Talk! Let’s go as big as we can —your audience deserves that.

Then, I just begin talking. I let the words come out. Tone, rhythm, facts, heart-to-heart sentences, pauses… I speak exactly as I would if it was real. I move and use gestures, I tell a joke or two.

As you can see, I don’t talk to a friend here. I talk to 500 people that are there to listen to me — to both my mind AND my heart. You can’t deliver a speech that’s focused only on one of them.

The result?

A piece of content that positions you as an authority in front of your audience, presenting you as a competent thought-leader that knows everything about their field and speaks about it in a language we can all understand…

AND a humble human, looking to be a true guide, leaving their audience with something to reflect upon, not just go home with some information. Maybe it’s a kind thought, an encouragement, a reminder to enjoy this crazy little thing called “life”, to love, to forgive… Whatever it is, it instantly builds trust and connection.

This is the type of content I strive to create every day.

This is the type of content I want to read from the next leaders of our generation.

Final thoughts

Expertise is no longer enough in 2021.

Your followers are tired of information — you can find it everywhere!

They’re looking for meaning, for leadership, and for words that will speak to their mind AND their heart.

The stakes are high for business owners trying to build an online presence through content marketing. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s hard, but it’s challenging us to seek our humanity within ourselves.

Ignite something in your people’s spirit… And they will become your loyal fans.



Julia Iurean

Freelance Writer about Leadership, Personal Development, Business & Marketing. Lover of humans. Work ethic & Enthusiasm. Let’s make life a little happier.